Shonishin - Acupuncture for Kids

Shonishin means: Sho - small, Ni - children, Shin - needle

Japanese acupuncture techniques have been modified to treat babies and children without needles. Shonishin was developed in Japan in the 18th century and is a popular and effective treatment method for children, which is also slowly gaining a foothold in the west.

In a very old classic of Chinese medicine, the Ling Shu, nine acupuncture needles are described, of which at least three were apparently never intended to pierce the skin.

The treatment consists of tapping and stroking, which is particularly suitable for small children, who feel at ease and comfortable, and therefore happy to come for treatment. 

The treatment tolerance in children is very low and therefore the actual treatment takes only 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the age. Despite the low level of stimulation, positive changes may occur spontaneously and/or the treatment may have a lasting effect. 

After a short introduction, parents are able to help the treatment with a light tapping or stroking methode at home, which contributes significantly to the success of the overall treatment.


Here is a link to a demonstration of Shonishin by Steve Birch, who wrote several books and articles on acupuncture and Shonishin: